Questions and Answers
Rule 2.6; Addition, All spaces in KY, WV, and MO (except the St Louis space which begins under Union control and the Columbus, KY and New Madrid, MO spaces which begin under Confederate control) are neutral and are initially not controlled by either side.
Rule 5.10; Can only Confederate Generals moving alone use these paths or can they be accompanied by SPs? Additionally, can armies use these paths? No, Confederate Generals with SPs and Confederate Armies can move along these routes.
Rule 5.31; Can a Cavalry General conduct a Corps move? NO
Rule 5.32; If a Corps moves through a space containing a friendly army is it automatically incorporated? No, the Corps is incorporated if it ends its move or retreat in the space with the army.
Rule 5.32; How does Corps activation work with more than one General in a space?
For the purpose of these rules a corps is one or more Generals stacked with SP's without an army marker.
1. The general in command of a corps is the General with the highest political value. If a tie, owner's choice.
2. If a general starts a phase in command of a corps he cannot be relieved of command by moving or stripping him of all the SP's. He must end up the phase commanding a corps of at least 1SP unless his corps is destroyed in battle. Exception: if the general ends up in a stack with another general, the higher ranking general would now have command. Also the general could end up being incorporated into an army if it ends its movement in the Army's space.
Here are several examples:
- If a general is stacked with 1-3 SP's you could not make a division move to strip all SP's from the general. At least one SP must be left behind.
- If during a corps movement a general (who is stacked with an SP) is picked up, he must either be dropped off during movement with at least 1 SP or he remains with the new stack (possibly taking over command if he is higher ranking for subsequent activations).
3. Rule 2 above is not superceded by rulebook 5.6 (General reorganization). The end result of using 5.6 must be as in one of the above examples. If a general begins the phase in command of a corps he must end the phase in command of a corps (although it could be a different corps) or stacked with a corps with a higher ranking general, or stacked with an army as a subordinate general.
4. The highest ranking non-commanding general in an army may not leave the army either by being dropped off or with a corps move or by the use of rule 5.6. Using 5.6 you could move in a higher ranking general and move out the now superceded general in the same move. Essentially you are stuck with the highest ranking non-commanding general in an army.
5. Cavalry generals or subordinate generals who are not the highest ranking may be moved or dropped from an army by themselves. Also the non-commanding general of a corps could be moved out by himself.
Rule 5.5; Clarification and Change (the whole rule is reproduced for clarity).
Design Note: Cavalry brigades are raiding forces whose main function is to cut LOCs. They are not faster Corps movements designed to capture territory. Although the game doesn't use explicit cavalry SPs, a cavalry general with an SP is effectively the equivalent. The intent is once formed and moved as a cavalry brigade, the unit is not intended to move into enemy territory and convert into infantry to circumvent the rules on Cavalry Raid limitations.
5.51 Procedure: A cavalry brigade may move when a cavalry general is activated (5.14). One SP stacked with a cavalry general is assumed to be a cavalry unit and moves at the cavalry movement rate. A cavalry general may not leave a space alone (even for a reorganization move) if only one SP is present unless another general (cavalry or regular) is present in the space. A cavalry brigade move ceases at the conclusion of a battle.
5.52 Cavalry Raid Limitations: A cavalry brigade can either flip a physical PC marker in a neutral space or remove a PC marker in a friendly space (one that bears the color code of that side) which contains an enemy PC marker, through the play of an OC. A cavalry brigade cannot place a PC marker in any space that was originally an enemy space or is currently a neutral space without a PC marker (e.g., in particular Confederate Resource spaces or a Capital space).
Exception to Rule 11.1; A cavalry brigade (a cavalry general and one SP alone) cannot place PC markers during a Political phase. They still flip or remove PC markers during the PC phase.
Rule 5.73; Does an army or corps have to be greater than 2 to 1 in size to continue movement or is 2 to 1 (exactly) sufficient? 2 to 1 (exactly) or greater is sufficient. Rule 5.73 clarification …If the moving army or corps is twice the size or more of the defending force and wins the battle the army or corps can continue moving.
Rule 6.52; Can a Confederate Riverine naval move be intercepted since it causes a de-facto Confederate amphibious invasion? Yes, this is an exception to 6.52 whose intent is to prevent Confederate amphibious invasions.
Rule 6.6; At the beginning of the Campaign game the Confederate player controls Dover, TN and Columbus, KY. Can the Confederate player cross the River at Cairo, IL, because it is between two forts? Also, can the Confederates cross at Nashville, TN since it is not technically between two Confederate forts/ ironclads?
Rule 6.6 addition and clarification …Naval control is denied to the Union player in and between spaces controlled by Confederate forts and ironclads OR into Confederate ports whose associated coastal fort is Confederate controlled OR between a Confederate fort/ ironclad and the end of a river that issues from a Confederate space in an original Confederate state. …Two forts on a contiguous stretch of river spaces (same river) would deny a section of the river to Union naval control.
Union Naval Control Clarification: Union Naval Control should be thought of as a pressure that is exerted along all navigable rivers from the North and against Confederate coastline spaces from the Sea. Union naval pressure prevails unless the South can block the pressure with forts or ironclads. One way to think about it is Union Naval control emanates from where the Ohio (both ends) and the Mississippi river flows off the North edge of the map (even though they are not navigable at those points). At the beginning of the Campaign game Cairo is connected to those sources of Union naval pressure that flows down the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee rivers. The Confederate fort at Dover, TN (Forts Henry and Donaldson) blocks this pressure from reaching Nashville, TN. The Confederate fort at Columbus, KY blocks this pressure from reaching south along the Mississippi. For Cairo to be crossed into from the South, Paducah would have to be a fort or there would have to be additional Confederate forts upriver from Cairo, both on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers (e.g., St Louis, Vincennes and Louisville) Normally, the only way for the Confederate player to cross into Northern states without crossing around the end of the Ohio at Pittsburgh is to build forts at Paducah (KY), Louisville (KY), St Louis (MO), or Parkersburg (WVA).
Rule 6.6; Can Union forces cross navigable rivers where Union Naval control is denied? Yes, the Union had the ability to move gunboats past forts and had extensive pontoon bridging capability.
Rule 6.6; Can Union force cross navigable rivers into a space with a Confederate ironclad? Yes
Rule 6.93; Can Fort Monroe be attacked by land by more than one SP since the Confederate can never occupy a coastal fort with more than one SP? Yes, the Fort Monroe space is an exception to 6.93, the Confederate player treats this space like any other non-Coastal fort space for stacking purposes.
Rule 6.94; Addition, An ungarrisoned Confederate controlled coastal fort changes sides (place appropriate Union PC marker) if its associated port changes sides to Union control. Basically, once a coastal fort is Union controlled, it cannot revert back to Confederate control.
Rule 7.32 and 7.8; If a fort is ungarrisoned, can it generate losses since it is 0 SPs and a force can generate no more than twice its SPs in losses? Also, does an ungarrisoned fort always lose battles since it generates no losses as per 7.32? The loss calculation for winner or loser is the losses on the CRT, not those actually taken. Further losses in a battle cannot be reduced below one. Rule 7.32 Clarification: The side that took the most losses on the CRT, not those actually taken, loses the battle. Rule 7.8 Addition: No force can inflict losses in excess of twice its strength, regardless of the CRT result, but never less than one.
Rule 7.34; If both sides are eliminated in a battle, but the defender received an asterisk result, is this still a tie and the defender wins? NO, the asterisk result even though the numerical result on the CRT is equal makes the attacker the winner of the battle.
Rule 7.5; Can DRMs be withheld from a battle to reduce the possibility of leader casualty? NO, DRMs, except for elite units, may never be withheld. However, when the player has the choice of which DRMs to use, such as two subordinate generals, the player doesn't have to pick the two best leaders, its his choice.
Rule 7.61; Does the attacker decide which space the defender retreats into? Yes, if the attacker is retreating into an enemy controlled space and there is more than one legitimate option. No, if the defender is retreating into a friendly controlled space. Rule 7.61 Clarification, If there is a choice of equally legitimate enemy controlled spaces, the opposing player determines which space is used.
Rule 7.7; Addition: If an attack is made at 1-3 or less odds, then there is no defender General Casualty die roll. The attacker still makes General Casualty die rolls if applicable. If an attack is made at 5-1 or greater odds there is no attacker General Casualty die roll. The defender still makes General Casualty die rolls if applicable.
Rule 10.2; Can Generals use Strategic movement? NO, only SPs can use Strategic movement.
Rule 10.2; Are Generals placed on the map before or after Strategic movement? Also, who goes first? Generals are placed after Strategic movement and whenever it matters to the situation the Union player conducts Strategic movement and General placement before the Confederate player.
Rule 10.3; Can the Union take East (if not being taken into DC), Central, and West Reinforcements into more than one space? Yes, Union reinforcements can be taken into multiple eligible spaces.
Rule 10.4; Can Confederate reinforcements be taken directly into Coastal forts? Yes
Rule 10.5; Can the Confederate player avoid making a Blockade Runner die roll to prevent the possibility of negative Union Blockade SW effects? NO, the Confederate player must, NOT may, make all Blockade Runner die roll attempts. Note, there are no Blockade Runner die rolls during the first turn of any scenario, or during Game Turn 3. Rule 10.5 Modification: …As long as a zone has at least one open blockade runner port, the confederate player MUST attempt to make a blockade runner die roll.
Rule 10.61; Can a General be placed in a space that does not have an LOC? NO
Rule 10.62; Can a General be placed in a Leaderless army that does not have an LOC? NO, if this situation occurs the player is free to place any other Generals in other spaces since he cannot fulfill the requirements for 10.62.
Rule 10.64; If a Commanding General is being relieved can other unrevealed Generals in the Army be examined to determine if additional SW penalties are in order to determine if a General is being promoted over higher P rated Generals. YES, in this situation the unrevealed Generals can be examined to determine penalties, but the Generals remain on their unrevealed side.
Rule 15.2; In the beginning of the 1863 scenario is a Union PC marker placed in the Fort Philip/ Jackson, LA space since New Orleans is Union controlled? YES
Rule 15.2; Are Union Generals Pope and Buell removed like McClellen? Yes
Rule 16.2; Tennessee and Florida ia a Union controlled states.
Union Set up additions; General Hancock is with the Army of the Potomac, General McPherson is with the Army of the Cumberland, and General Reynolds is removed from play.
Crittenden Compromise; Can the PC markers be placed in Southern Resource Spaces? NO, amend the card to read in spaces without SPs and which are not Resource or Capital spaces.
Governor Harris, Tennessee Confederate; May these SPs or any others generated by the Confederate be placed in Pro-Union spaces? NO, Confederate player is prohibited of directly placing SPs into Pro-Union spaces, although they can subsequently be moved there through Strategic movement.
Forward to Richmond; May the Union player place PC markers while advancing on Richmond? Yes, the Union advance may convert spaces by placing PC markers while implementing the Forward to Richmond card.
Red River Campaign; Can the Union place a PC marker with this card or is an SP in one of the spaces required? The way the Red River Campaign card works is the Union uses it as an OC card. If at the conclusion of movement a Union SP is in one of the stipulated spaces then a PC marker may be immediately placed in the objective space fulfilling the event requirment. If the Union fails to get an SP into one of the required spaces the SW penalty is incurred.
Foreign Intervention; If the conditions for the Foreign intervention card are met during the turn, must the card be played immediately? NO, the card may be played at anytime, but if it is played when the conditions are met then 4.92 effects are implemented immediately. This gives the Union an opportunity to lower the Confederate SW total in an attempt to avoid Foreign Intervention. If is presumed that the Confederate would play the card as soon as the conditions are met, but it isn't mandatory. If the card is played prior to its conditions being met, then the card is a discard which causes the deck to be reshuffled at the end of the turn. If the Foriegn Intervention card is the last card played on the last strategy round, then the card can be used as an OC card, but causes the deck to be reshuffled. The full effects of the Foreign intervention card if its conditions occur are:
1. Union Blockade Level is reduced by one.
2. The Union reduces his reinforcements by 2 SPs during each reinforcement phase (Union player choice) for the remainder of the game.
3. The Union suffers -10 SW points.
Counter cards; There are several cards that can be played during an opponents turn, do these cards when played count as the players next card play? NO, if a player uses a "counter" card (e.g., Mud March) during an opponents card play, that player still takes his strategy round card play as normal.
Glory Hallelujah; Can these Union SPs be placed in a space without an LOC? YES, each card specifies whether an LOC is required or not. Assume an LOC is not required if the card doesn’t explicitly state an LOC is required.