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Mark Herman's Wargaming Blog
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Designer's Journal
Topic: Design Diary

Much to report. Now that I am officially self employed I have begun to design again in earnest. My book and game library (close to 200 boxes) has now moved. With that in my rear view mirror I am finally establishing a new routine of work and exercise. 


 I am starting a new company; Studiolo Designs

To be clear, this is NOT a new publishing company. My intention is to use it to house my designs that will be published through a growing list of established companies. The concept is that of a studio workshop along the lines of Renaissance Italy Florentine practices.


The current 2014 release schedule is as follows, subject to change.


April: Hoplite (GMT; with Richard Berg), this one is actually shipping and I have a copy, looks awesome.


May: Desert Fox (Shenandoah Studio; with Nick Karp), in final software testing. I find the game addicting. I have to play less of this and design more.


June:  Fire in the Lake: Insurgency in Vietnam (GMT; with Volko Ruhnke), this one is complete as of this Friday. My hope is the printing and shipping go smoothly, but in either case I predict it will be available no later than July.


 In re-design:


 Churchill; this one is looking good. I have decided to focus the game more on the Allied interaction during the conferences and simplified the war fighting portion of the game. That effort is just now kicking into high gear again after all of the delays imposed by recent life events (retiring from corporate life).


 In development: 


PacWar reprint: NUTS publishing


This one is well along the way as it was originally delivered to MMP and is now moving along with a new publishing team and developer; Marcus Stumpter. I do not have a schedule as that is up to NUTS to determine, but sooner than later.


Empire of the Sun reprint: GMT


This one is a major labor of love. See the various posts on BGG and Consimworld regarding what will be in the reprint, but this will be a cherry on the sundae reprint. Working on integrating the FAQ into the rules. No design changes although some of the c3i variants will find their way into the package. Check out my videos on how to play the game, but this one has a shot for the end of 2014. 


For The People: GMT

I haven't started this one yet, but there is almost nothing to do on this one and it should also see the light of day by the end of 2014. 


In preliminary design 


France 1944 reprint: ConSim Publishing; I am not sure that this has even been announced yet, but John Kranz would like to get this one back into print. I will be revising the combat and supply systems. 


 Sun Tzu: Chinese Warring States; this one is a collaborative effort between myself, Robert Ryer (of VG fame), Rich Phares, and James Pei. James' fluency in Chinese has opened up the research on the period. This will be a CDG with multiple scenarios for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 players and a solo option akin to Volko's COIN series non-player bots. 


There is one other project that the publisher has not announced yet, so I will hold off until they do. 


In early research


Peloponnesian War: My thought here is to do a two in one design. The box will contain a revised version of my original VG design, but will also come with a new CDG design on the same topic. This one is a ways off with much in front of it. The main effort is I am re-reading all of my books on the topic, starting with Thucydides.


Spanish American War: Still working on who the players are and how they interact with each other. Currently the players are both American representing the pro and anti war factions. The anti-war faction player gets to move the Spanish forces as of now.


Battle of the Cold War: Now that I am no longer working as a Defense consultant I can now do games that go beyond Vietnam. I will probably start with Vietnam, but I plan on using a streamlined variant of my Flashpoint: Golan system to cover all of the major operations of the Cold War in the Middle East, South Asia, SE Asia, and Africa.


Non-Wargame Designs: I have a few designs that are not wargames. One is based on the horror genre, historical themes, and an abstract strategy game akin to Othello. We'll see how these develop as designs going forward. 


 More to follow...


Mark Herman

Studiolo Designs 



Posted by markherman at 8:59 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 15 April 2014 - 10:10 PM EDT

Name: "wendell"

So much good news in this post I don't know where to begin!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014 - 11:35 PM EDT

Name: "John"

"using a streamlined variant of my Flashpoint: Golan system to cover all of the major operations of the Cold War in the Middle East, South Asia, SE Asia, and Africa."

 Mark go whole hog and bring the system to its original beginnings with a NATO v. WP multiple NATO Corps vs multiple WP Army match up. Very much of a rising interest in that period lately.



Tuesday, 22 April 2014 - 9:45 AM EDT

Name: "Mark Herman"

Good point and I already have the maps done. This could happen, thanks for the suggestion.



Saturday, 3 May 2014 - 7:43 PM EDT

Name: "Rusty"

How about a nice, meaty game on the Iran-Iraq war?

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